«Nanophysics & Nanoelectronics»

Nizhny Novgorod March 10–14, 2025

Important dates

  • 1/23/25 — Deadline for Payment;
  • 3/6/25 — Deadline for Paper Submission;
  • 3/10/25 — Start of the conference.


XXIX Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”

The list of the accepted presentations is now available.

XXIX Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics” will be held at the Congress Center “Oka” in Nizhny Novgorod from March 10 to March 14, 2025.

Presentation format

The time limit for plenary talks is 45 minutes (including time for discussion); the time limit for invited talks is 20 minutes (section 3), 25 minutes (sections 1, and 6), 30 minutes (sections 2, 4, and 5); the time limit for oral talks is 15 minutes (3, and 6 sections), 20 min (1, 2, 4, and 5 sections). The acceptable presentation format for the talks is PowerPoint slides or PDF.

Registration fee

All the registered persons have to pay the registration fee to participate in the Symposium. The registration fee is set at 17,000 rubles. The cost of the registration fee includes: renting the halls of the Oka Congress Center, a Symposium participant's bag with handouts, organizing coffee breaks, publishing the Symposium proceedings. Entrance to the Congress Center is carried out by the badges of the participants of the Symposium.

The program and proceedings of the Symposium will include reports from participants who have paid the registration fee.

In case of difficulties with paying the registration fee, you should contact the Organizing Committee to find a mutually acceptable solution.


The Symposium Proceedings will be published before the Symposium starts. The template for the two page abstract is available on the symposium website in Documents section. The abstracts complying with the formatting requirements should be uploaded via My office section on the Symposium website. The submission deadline is January, 14, 2025. It is also necessary to obtain an expert report on the possibility of publication in the open press and upload it along with proceedings.


  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
  • Physical Sciences Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the physics of semiconductors;
  • Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on сondensed matter physics;
  • Institute for Physics of Microstructures of RAS;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University;
  • Charitable Foundation “From Heart to Heart”.

The main sections of the program

  1. Superconducting nanosystems;
  2. Magnetic nanostructures;
  3. Semiconductor nanostructures: electronic and optical properties, methods of formation;
  4. Measurements and technologies of atomic and nanometer scale based on probe, electron-beam and ion-beam methods;
  5. Multilayer and crystal X-ray optics.
  6. Element base of quantum technologies based on condensed matter.


Dmitry Arkadievich Tatarskiy — scientific secretary of the Symposium,

Maria Vladimirovna Zorina

Ph.: +7 910 796 89 50

E-mail: symp@nanosymp.ru
